Saturday, September 29, 2012

Student and Parent Welcoming to OFS!

Sunday, September 30th, there will be a welcoming for all students and parents as well as those interested in joining or volunteering with the Freedom School at Occupy Chicago's Indoor Space at 500 W. Cermak Rm 501.

We will discuss the classes to be offered, our vision for the future of education, and how we can best work together to make this a success.

To get to Occupy Chicago's Indoor Space go to the building on the North side of Cermak on the West side of the Chicago river (just over the bridge).  Then make a sharp right onto Lumber St.  Just to the left of the Uhaul store there is a red door with the address of 2147 S Lumber above the door.  That is where you enter into the building.  Then take the elevator up to the 5th floor. Make two lefts and find us in room 501.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Student/Parent Orientation

There will be a student/parent orientation on Thursday September 27th from 11am to 2pm at the Chicago Bee Library at 3647 S. State St. All are encouraged to attend including volunteers. Email if you have any questions.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mission Statement

The South Side Chicago Freedom School offers quality, no-cost, volunteer-run, community-based educational opportunities for people of all ages through the city of Chicago.  Classes and workshops directly respond to neighborhood and community specific desires and needs.

The South Side Chicago Freedom School also acts as a nexus of information and opportunities for the broader community of Chicago's education based organizations.

The South Side Chicago Freedom School believes that all community members are also teachers and that therefore anyone can teach a class.  This fundamental faith and belief in the worth of existing stores of knowledge within our own community supports our mission to encourage the growth of grassroots educational opportunities.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Want to share your knowledge or skills?

Is there something in particular that you are really good at?  Is there something you know a lot about?  If you answered yes to either of these questions, we invite you to join us and share your knowledge and skills with your peers.  Whether if it is how to play a sport, creative writing classes, or you are just a music enthusiast, nothing is off limits.  We want you to share your skills to help improve the lives of those around you and engage with one another to build a rich environment of education.

You can sign up as a volunteer here:

Upcoming Events

Check out our calendar for a list of upcoming events.